Golf in the Life of

Golf in the Life of exists to educate and serve golf instructors and coaches all over the world.

As golf instruction has exploded over the past decades there has been a lack of support and education to help the thousands of teachers who attempt to not only help students get better but run their own businesses.

I just wanted to say thank you. Your interviews have completely changed my commute to and from the course. My mind gets sharpened by listening to your interviews and thank you for asking such great questions. I am learning from the instructors answers but also how to ask great questions. Keep up the great work!


Let’s get real. There are more people struggling to make $20,000 in a year than those trying to figure out how to get over the 6 figure mark. Here’s the problem with that… $20,000 simply isn’t enough to support a family with, causing more and more instructors to leave and find a new career.

And if more quality instructors and coaches leave the game that means golf is going to remain stale and continue to decrease in popularity.

Golf in the Life of’s mission is two fold. The first to help teachers understand how to be more effective in getting results for students and secondly to be more efficient in their businesses, spending less time and making more money.

We believe that no one person has all the answers so we’ve been interviewing the best and some of the most innovative coaches in the game over the past handful of years so each teacher can find their own beliefs and ideas.

If you ever asked yourself questions like:

  • “How do the best become the best?”
  • “What kind of actions do I need to take to increase PROFIT?”
  • “What kind of programs work for students and my time?”
  • “What do I do to become a top 100 instructor?”

…You’re in the RIGHT place!

Golf in the Life of is dedicated to bringing high quality business, teaching, and coaching information to golf instructors and golf coaches all over the world.

Find out more at