Playing of golf can be undertaken however there are firm measures in place to ensure the health and safety of all in the golf sector and the community whilst doing so.
Model Local Rule For Bunkers – Due to COVID-19
“When a player’s ball lies in a bunker which has had the rake removed, the player may take free relief once by placing the original ball or another ball in and playing it from this relief area:
Reference Point: Spot of the original ball.
Size of Relief Area Measured from Reference Point: one club‐length
but with these limits:
Must not be nearer the hole than the reference point, and must remain in the bunker.
13.2c Model Local Rule for Ball Resting Against Flagstick in Hole – Due to COVID-19
If a player’s ball comes to rest against the flagstick left in the hole or any artificial insert inside of the hole below green surface:
Golf Instruction and Club Fitting in person may be conducted on an individual basis where strict social distancing requirements can be met.
The safe use of the Professional’s shop and clubhouse facilities will require the adoption of a range of procedures.
The safe use of a driving range or practice area must also be considered. It should be noted that driving ranges might not necessarily be allowed to open at the same time as golf courses.
The management and operations of the club will in many ways continue to run as normal. However, certain procedures and policies will need to be introduced or amended to ensure the welfare of the staff, golfers and those outside personnel who will visit the club in their normal working day.
It is likely that due to reduced maintenance it will take some time for the course to return to ‘normal’ condition. It is important to manage golfer expectations and explain that the conditions they will experience are the result of limitations imposed by the pandemic essential maintenance safety measures and not through neglect.
Golf tournaments and competitions, along with other sporting events are currently restricted in most countries, or are done so without any spectators. Running and managing a club competition poses different social distancing risks that normal play does not, and so various other information should be considered.
5.2 Model Local Rule For Score Return – Due to COVID-19
The committee can lower any risk by accepting any other form of score return. There is more than one solution and solutions accepted should be the most practical for all involved. One proposal of Local Rule for that situation might be:
Score Card is deemed to be returned when it is delivered to a proposed person / area (Committee member, Golf club reception, any other authorized person) via email. Acceptable forms can be a scan, picture or a verbal transcription of hole-by-hole results, which are easily identifiable as to who’s scores are to be recorded. Penalty: DQ
The CPG Masterclass Series embodies a range of talks and presentations for PGAs and PGA Professionals that cover a variety of subjects and topics, delivered by world-class, industry leading experts from their respective fields.
The CMAE’s highly relevant and practical new Powerplay webinar programme, which is designed specifically to support and guide CMAE members through the current Covid-19 crisis, is being made public in order to support the whole of the club industry.