An exclusive resource hub curated specifically to empower the dedicated representatives of CPG Member Country PGAs – Your Association in a Box – has been launched by the Confederation of Professional Golf [CPG].
This hub and toolkit serve as a comprehensive guide to all things PGA, providing a variety of resources that will empower organisations to enhance their activities and the experience of their Members and help them to unlock a wealth of opportunities.
Reflecting the Togetherness, Collaboration and Development ethos of the CPG, the creation of this hub reinforces the CPG’s commitment to knowledge sharing, progression, and growth across the collective of PGAs.
“The concept of ‘Your Association in a Box’ was widely discussed at our Annual Congress earlier this year and is a superb example of our guiding principles being put into direct action,” said CPG Chief Executive, Ian Randell.
“By collating best in class examples from across our membership, along with those developed during the evolution of our Association, the resources available now and in the future are designed to provide clear, tangible and practical tools and benefits to enhance the already great work of Member Country staff, Boards, Committees, education leaders and more, assisting them to thrive in their future development.”
Your Association in a Box users already have access to a suite of resources such as guides, information documents, templates, articles and more with resources being specifically crafted to ensure relevance and adaptability to the unique and diverse activities of a PGA. Resources are also tailored to the wide range of stages of development from embryonic PGAs at the beginning of their journeys to those that are established and operating for 100+ years.
Member Countries are now also able to access live benchmarking data from across the organisation’s 39-country strong collective, allowing them to compare and contrast for ongoing analysis, identification of good and consistent practice, and for strategic goal setting and activation.
The hub also acts as a home for CPG Partners to share exclusive opportunities with Member Countries, such as Lead Partner, TrackMan, already working to develop professional education opportunities for PGA Members.
The resources fall into various domains including membership, governance, tournaments, education, golf development, operations, sustainability, marketing and communications, strategy, and career development, as well as digitalisation resources powered by CPG Partner, Golf Genius.
Resources come from numerous sources both from the CPG’s own activity, resources and experiences, along with those from across the network of countries, leveraging the truly collaborative and collective intelligence established across 30+ years.