Impact with the most significant effect…
Jan Henriksen, Head PGA professional, Silkeborg Golf Club.
“Here in Silkeborg GC we had the same trend as the national average, and the club decided to do something about it. Our Golf Club has been good at focusing on this particular group of members. As we all can imagine, there is a big gap between being a new player that has just finished a beginner’s program to feeling comfortable joining the men’s or lady’s section.
“In collaboration with the golf club, we as PGA Professionals, have chosen to create a community; we call it Club 37. This is a community for players between hcp. 37-54. We offer an open training session every week where the primary focus is on team spirit. The only thing the players have to do is to commit, and therefore there is a modest fee that they have to pay. The focus on team spirit has made us, the Pros, an important point of reference for this member group. Our training sessions are all about creating a social network between the players, and we ensure that by making exciting and varied drills and exercises that they can have fun and compete with players at their level. The social aspect of the training and the joy of having a fellowship together is key for this group.
“The most important thing for new members that they get a social network that reaches out beyond our weekly session. At the same time, they feel that they get the attention of the club, with is very important for new players (source: Players first survey). It has been a huge success here in Silkeborg and a few other clubs around Denmark, in fact, such a great success that the players normally joke that they don’t want to get their handicap under 37. From a PGA Professionals perspective, when players get under handicap 37, we have happier players who are used to taking lessons and know us very well. That gives us the opportunity to sell more lessons and courses to them so that they can continue their development. Over the years, Club37 has experienced better retention. And with Club 37, the golf club and we as coaches have a mutual interest that links the collaboration across the departments.”
Club 37:
- Is a community for new players between handicap 37-54, and max two years membership in the club.
- Open session once a week, with particular focus on exercises and team spirit
- Low cost
(Looking at the other hcp groups, the rate of resignations is approximately the same. However, since the majority of club members have a handicap more than 37, this group will be the most important to focus on. Source: Players First survey and GolfBox A/S.)