The PGA Professional is undoubtedly an incredibly valuable asset to a facility, business, and arguably most importantly, to the end-user – the golfer. But in some cases this value is not communicated appropriately, is not accepted, or is not enough to secure the PGA Pro in their position.
Here Tony Clark, CEO of Clark Management Group, begins a series of articles that look at the changing face of the PGA Professional and explains how you can transform the business the PGA Professional is at the heart of.
With contracts being revised, roles being reviewed, retainers being reduced and removed, benefits being eroded and competition increasing, it’s never been more important for a PGA Professional to demonstrate value to their Club, its Members and Clients.
You’re probably one of the biggest figures on the balance sheet so when the financial controller or committee review the accounts do they see you as an asset or a liability? This is extremely important.
So how can you become that “all-important asset”? Over the next six editions I will be sharing with you not only HOW but WHY it’s imperative that PGA Professionals have an action plan to safeguard their future.
Firstly you need to appreciate what you have.
It’s important that you review what it is you’re grateful for from both a personal and commercial perspective.
Take stock of your personal life
Write down what it is you cherish. Family? Health? Lifestyle? We all get absorbed into the negative and consumed with day-to-day issues but when you focus on the positives, good things happen. Look at what you have and plan to make it even better.
Review your current business status, both financial and non-financial
Many PGA Professionals operate a retail business from a fully expensed club store; a luxury not available to on-line retailers or multiple golf store retailers. You immediately have an edge.
Most Club Professionals have a ready-made client base of between 200 and 600 golfing members with the opportunity to coach non-members. Unlimited range balls and a free practice facility coupled with free parking for employees and clients add up to a significant remuneration package.
The job keeps you physically and mentally active, often in the fresh air, with regular interaction with colleagues and the public.
Add to this the fact that many Professionals receive subsidised or free meals. This is a GREAT job.
Don’t miss the next six editions of IGPN as I help you turn a GREAT job into an even better LIFE!